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As author or co-author, I have been trying to keep a steady flow of publications out there to establish an academic footprint. Luckily, some very reputable scholars have agreed to work with me on various projects. I am currently the editor of a book series focused on Latin American Media and published via Amazon through my consulting firm Cense.

"The Evolution of Television: An Analysis of 10 Years of TGI Latin America (2004-2014)"   ( Latin American Media Trends Series) (Volume 1)

Series Editor, Co-Author



ISBN 978-1517561505

"PayTVille: PayTVille: The Ups and Downs of a TV Viewer Life in Latin America"

Editor, Co-Author



ISBN 978-1500133504

"The Cable Empire Strikes Latin America: How American Pay-TV Conquered the Continent"




ISBN 1449961118

"World Television: From Global to Local"

by Joseph Straubhaar

Sage Publications



ISBN 0803954638

“Adapting US Transnational Television Channels to a Complex World: From Cultural Imperialism to Localization to Hybridization” Joseph D. Straubhaar and Luiz G. Duarte. In Jean k. Chalaby, editor, “Transnational Television Worldwide”

London: I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd.


ISBN 1-85043-548-0

Review in Media Week and TBS Journal

"A Novela dos Marinho com a TV Paga"

In Cesar Bolaño and Valério Brittos, editors "Rede Globo: 40 anos de poder e hegemonia"

Paulus, Brazil


ISBN 85-349-2337-X


"Comunicação, Mídia e Tecnologia"

Technical translator of Telecommunication textbook "Information Society" to Brazilian Portuguese

Thomson, Brazil


ISBN 85-221-0376-3

“International Satellite Television Networks: Gazing at the Global Village or Looking for 'Home' Video?” Joseph D. Straubhaar, Elizabeth Burch, Luiz G. Duarte, Patrice Sheffer. In Carolyn Lin and David Atkin, editors, “Communication Technology & Society”

London: Hampton Press


ISBN 1572733632

"É Pagar Para Ver: TV por Assinatura em Foco"


Summus Editora, Brazil


ISBN 85-323-0555-5

Book Chapters:


2005. "Pecado Capital: A Novela dos Marinho com a TV Paga." In V. Cruz Britto and C. Bolaño (orgs). Rede Globo: 40 anos de poder e hegemonia. PP. 325-340. São Paulo, Paulus.

Book Publishing:

As part of my consulting work with Cense, I have designed and self-published a few books for various authors

2020. Vales Imaginários: Anhangabaú, by Péricles Gomes


2017. CiberFlex: Cognições, Disrupções, Cerebrizações, by S. Squirra

2016. Cibertecs: Conceitos, Interações, Automações, Futurações, by S. Squirra

2010. Crônicas Esquecidas 1 and Crônicas Esquecidas 2, by José Lacerda



1995. Author of booklet “Surviving in Brazil,” with basic Portuguese words, sentences and grammar for American students participating in the MSU overseas program in Brazil.

1988. Essay "Era uma vez" in Cremilda Medina's book "Vozes Populares" (ECA, São Paulo/Brazil)

1987. Biography of federal deputy Antonio Salim Curiati in Cremilda Medina's book "Virado Paulista" (ECA, São Paulo)

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